Thursday, December 17, 2009

2x4's and Pregnant Water Buffalo's

So after the first week being back at the dojo I've come to the (sometimes painful) conclusion that I've become about as flexible as a 2x4.  I guess I can blame the past nine years of sitting at a desk or on an airplane as part of the problem.  Thankfully I know that this will improve with time but it will be a long, slow process.

I've also realized that I'm about as graceful as a pregnant water buffalo when on the mat.  My mind knows what it wants to do but my body just can't seem to put the right combination's together.  I guess my muscle memory has grown a bit senile over the years.  I've been told that I will it will come to me more quickly than it did the first time that I tried to learn all of these moves.  Looks like I'll get to learn some lessons in patience during this process as well (never one of my strong points).  I still try to use muscle strength to get through the techniques rather than using my center to unbalance uke.  This is something that I will need to continue to work on and it seems that learning to relax will really help with this.  I know it will certainly help my ukemi which will be a huge benefit in itself.  After getting tired in class my ukemi technique started to get a bit sloppy and I ended class with some sore muscles that lasted for a couple of days.  Ah the joys of getting older.

Arrow Pride Sensei (2nd Dan) taught the first two lessons that I attended and Alex Nakamura Sensei (5th Dan) taught the most recent class.  They are both great guys and I enjoyed each of their classes.  Nakamura Sensei especially gives me hope.  I'm not sure of his exact age but he's certainly older than I am and moves so much better than I do.  I'm looking forward to the point when I can be more relaxed, more flexible, and be a bit more graceful.

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